Freedom Baptist Church (FBC) is focused on carrying the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the world starting with Copperas Cove, Killeen and Greater Fort Hood areas.

We strive to have a focus on many whether sick/shut-in, or hospital visit when allowed. The Gospel gives hope and we would like to share it wherever possible.


“…in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” Acts 1:8 KJ



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In HIS Footsteps…

Men’s Ministry

Men’s ministry is focused on the christian lifestyle and having fun events that encourage closer walk with Christ and love for our fellow man. Father-Son events build strong relationships that in-turn build strong churches.

Ladies Ministry

Women of prayer, duty to families, and service to the Lord are such a foundation of the home. Ladies Bible Study and day trips help to teach the next generation a sacrificial love of sisterhood and devotion .Shopping is always included there also.

Events for Children

Require the most attention and organization but also have the most fun. 

Van Route                       Soul-Winning                Sunday School

FBC Van Route is a way to bring children                                      Our weekly meeting time to go out                                            This period of service is separated into

to come and worship. Arrangements must                                   to spread the gospel. We visit different                                     mens, women, and children. Biblical based

be made for scheduling and availability.                                        areas to tell others about Christ.                                                studies of God, Christ, and the Bible.











Freedom Baptist Church

102 Northern Dove Lane

Copperas Cove TX 76522


Need additional assistance? Please contact us:


Service Times

Sunday School…………10:00am

Sunday Worship……….11:00am

Sunday Evening ……….6:00pm

Thursday Mid-Week….7:00pm